Audrey Pack Memorial Library Board


The Audrey Pack Memorial Library Board meets bi-monthly in even months on the second Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at 169 West Rhea Avenue, Spring City, TN 37381.  The meetings are open to the public.

» Meeting Calendar | » Audrey Pack Memorial Library

Spring City Municipal Code, Title 2 Boards and Commissions, etc., Chapter 2 Library Board

Audrey Pack Memorial Library By-Laws for the Board of Trustees


Patron Interlibrary Loan Policy

Gaming System Policy

Copy, Scan, Print Policy

The board has the power to direct the affairs of the library and appoint as well as dismiss a librarian. The librarian will be an employee of the Town of Spring City and shall direct the internal affairs of the library, and such assistants or employees as may be necessary. Such board may make and enforce rules and regulations and establish branches of travel service at its discretion. Such board may receive donations, devises and bequests to be used by it directly for library purposes. The library board shall furnish to the state library agency such statistics and information as may be required, and shall make annual reports to the mayor/commission.

Annually, the library board shall submit a budget in conformance with the town charter to the city manager in preparation of the city's annual budget which shall be forwarded to the mayor/commission. All city tax funds and appropriate fees shall be held by the city recorder or appropriate designee. The library board shall within its discretion, have the exclusive authority to apply, direct, and disburse non-public contributions, donations, devises, bequests, and other such revenues raised or received by the library board and account for such funds by regular monthly reports to the city recorder. Under no circumstances will the library board obligate the Town of Spring City to any binding agreements without the full knowledge and vote of the board of mayor and commissioners. Proceeds from the sale of surplus books by the library may be credited to such special fund in the discretion of the library board. All library accounts of every character and kind shall be audited annually by or under supervision and direction of the mayor/commission.

The Audrey Pack Memorial Library is located at 169 West Rhea Ave, Spring City.  It’s goal is to provide library service excellence to the residents of Spring City and the surrounding areas.

If you are interested in being a member of the Audrey Pack Memorial Library Board, please contact the Board Chairman, Alma Marquardt.


Board Members

Name Title Phone/Email
Alma Marquardt Chairman (423) 847-7589 /
Erin Sanchez Vice Chairman (423) 290-5190
Sean O'Neill Secretary/Treasurer (404) 783-4000
Brianne Yancy Board Member (423) 314-3919
Jody Bauer Board Member (423) 834-1340
Kimberly Johnson Board Member

(505) 553-2047
